Tibshelf Parish Council

Please Help to Keep Tibshelf Tidy

Take your litter home or put it in a bin


Grants totalling £155,000 have been awarded towards the costs of the extension to the Village Hall. Work will commence on January 7th 2002. 24th May 2002 is the projected finish date.


23th June 2002

Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 18th March 2002 at 7.15 p.m. in the Pavilion on the Parish Sports Ground. Please note that during the building works at the Village Hall, all Parish Council meetings will be held in the pavilion on the Sports Ground.

Everyone welcome.


Council Tax 2002/2003

Tibshelf Parish Council 

Parish Council Minutes   Tibshelf Past   Tibshelf Now

Businesses & Services   Tourism   Sport 

Forthcoming Events  Planning Applications

Model Racing Car Club

Village Hall Extension. Progress Report

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The planning application has now been determined, and approval granted. The situation has not basically changed, except that a condition is now in place which permits the Racing Car Club to legally request variations to the operating times, and for the District Council to legally determine such requests.

It is important however, that the District Council, or the Parish Council for that matter, is informed of any malpractices (if any) on the part of the Model Racing Car Club. Details of any such malpractices should be recorded; date, times and duration of any alleged malpractices, and descriptions of same. This will enable the Planning Authority to determine whether dispensation should be given to operate beyond the permitted hours. Similarly, if the noise levels are perceived to exceed significantly, the ambient noise levels, then these incidences should also be recorded and reported.

We need your help to help you.